Thursday, November 12, 2009


I felt a bit of a failure yesterday afternoon, but now I have reflected on what happened it probably wasn't so bad. I have an agreement with God that if anyone stops me on the street to sell me something or try to 'convert' me to whatever they are promoting, I will stop and listen - look staright into their eyes and ask God to show me something. Until I have something to say I just let them talk and maintain eye contact. A few weeks ago God gave me the name of a young Hindu hippy girl and a physical condition I could pray for on the street.

I was in Maidenhead High Street yesterday when a young British guy came up to me selling books on 'philosophy' - I think he was a Hindu convert too. I looked and listened for about a minute and I could see he was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. I said "Is your name Norman?" He said "Yes, how did you know, are you psychic?" I said "No, I am a follower of Jesus and sometimes he tells me things about people." Then I said " Do you have anything wrong with your feet?" He said "Yes". I said "What's wrong with them?" He said "They smell!"
Well what hat would you have done? I said "You are winding me up aren't you?" He smiled at me and as I walked on I suggested it would be a good idea to be a bit more honest with people. Sure, I was a bit disappointed but I promised God that I would not give up, so I am looking forward to the next encounter.


Unknown said...

Yep Keep going. Remember it took Heidi praying for 20 people with blind eyes before she saw the evidence of the first blind eyes opened. At first I thought.... Sheesh I don't want to be discouraged that much before I see a miracle, but actually a million discouragements would be worth one set of eyes being opened. I am not so bold yet, but I am growing in and stirring the faith! EPHESIANS 3:20! Now that is a GOOD scripture to bank on!

Jax said...

Amusing Terry!!
Who knows what it did though....
Glad to hear what you do...there's been some weird things being promoted on the high street the past few weeks that I've felt drawn to pray against....

So glad you're still blogging! Think you'll find there's more people reading than you realise!!
