Monday, November 9, 2009


Do you sometimes hear a song that you wish you didn't like but it gets inside you and God begins to speak - I think people talk about 'guilty secrets' or mmm that's a bity cheesy!
Have you ever listened to West Life singing 'You Raise Me Up'?
It has become an anthem about human relationships but I think that Josh Groban may have had something very different in mind when he wrote it.
Have a look at this YouTube Link Flag

Were you blessed?

We had a great day today - at River Church we had some amazing reports from people who had been on overseas mission trips. One of our leaders had been back to an unreached people group where he had already spent a year with his family establishing training for pastors and a church planting strategy - it's brilliant what God has been doing - I have such admiration for this guy and his family. We also heard from a team that just got back from Lesotho - again amazing stories - I think it should be compulsory for everyone to do a short-term missions trip before they go to heaven.

Have a great week standing on mountains and walking on stormy seas!

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