So much has happenned during these few days.
London Irish lost the Guiness Premiership to Leicester by ONE POINT - no doubt due mainly to the fact that we were not at Twickenham to cheer them on!
We managed to get along to Oxford and Tonbridge to hear Heidi Baker and to take her a video greeting from her team in Freetown.
On Sunday 19th were given a wonderful send-off by Jubilee Church as we negotiated the 'transfer' (no fee involved) to River Church. The pictures show Terry & Mo with some of the lunch guests, and with Stuart Otto - the Lead Elder of Jubilee Church.
Terry was given the opportunity to preach at River just yesterday!
On reflection there is so much to thank God for now we are back home.
The whole Mission Direct Team were outstanding in the way they worked together - THEY CAN ALL COME AGAIN!
For us personally, it was great to see Mo being herself and getting alongside people and praying for them - especially the children. Just like back home, Mo had her down moments of confusion and panic, but she soon came through them with the support of the rest of the team.
For Terry it was a time when opportunities to minister in healing seemed to reach another level, and time spent with the Iris Ministries Team (Heidi Baker) was challenging and inspiring.
It was encouraging to see The Mission Direct projects making such good progress. Who knows what will come out of the team visits to Kroo Bay - one of the worst slums in W Africa. The leaders of Mission Direct will need a lot of wisdom to know how to make an appropriate response to this massive humanitarian need.