Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday 9th May

Can our lives get even more amazing?
God set up some incredible coincidences yesterday. There are 6 billion people on this planet but God determines who we will meet each day.

Terry was working on his laptop and needed extra time to finish so we were 15 minutes late leaving the guesthouse. Just as we were leaving a 4x4 stopped and a very excited young man, Julian, who Terry had met briefly in the UK, jumped out of the vehicle and gave him a big sweaty hug. He was from Terry & Mo’s previous church in Tonbridge and is married to a childhood friend of their daughter Seanna. We spent some time together later in the afternoon with Julian, his wife and also Peter West, a good friend of Mission Direct from the UK. How amazing is that?

The conference continues to be well attended and the sessions are much appreciated by the delegates some of whom have travelled up to 8 hours on buses to be here. Andrew spoke at one of the sessions.

The third night of the crusade went well with about 800 attending and a few more musical contributions, including the most popular Sierra Leonian female Gospel singer – Vic Fornah. It was quite late by the time Dave began speaking but he did really well on his first ‘preach’ in West Africa. Around 40 people responded to become Christians or to rededicate themselves to Christ. There were plenty of opportunities for the UK team to pray for people. Many of these new converts have been caught up in black magic and have been under the control of witch doctors – many of them were set free last night as we prayed!

Today is the last day of the conference with Terry and Andrew speaking. Tonight Terry is the preacher. We have heard that the President’s Press Secretary – Sheka and his wife Rose will be at the crusade – in the UK they were members of the Newfrontiers church in Oldham. Please pray for a mighty move of God on this nation. The President has recently asked the whole nation to repent, fast and pray during the next three months to see a turn around in Sierra Leone’s plight as the poorest nation on earth. Our whole team is fasting today.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday 8th May

What an amazing day yesterday!
It started with three good sessions at the conference where Dave spoke powerfully on ‘Feeding the 5000’, then Terry taught two sessions on taking healing and prophecy out on the streets.
At the end we were able to give out about 100 copies of Greg Haslam’s ‘Preach The Word’ training manual for preachers. The were so excited!

In the afternoon we met up with the rest of the team for some relaxation. They travel back to the UK tonight and have done an amazing job. They made a visit to the worst slum in West Africa (Crew Bay) yesterday with an army escort. Mission Direct may be able to help an Army Chaplain with a project in this poorest of poor communities.

The second evening of the crusade was incredible! Andrew preached to a crowd of around 800 and we saw about 60 respond to the Gospel. Then around 200 people responded to receive physical healing or to be set free from demons and the control of black magic. It was obvious that many had been healed and set free. The sense of God’s presence over the field was powerful. God has told us to change the name of the field from ‘Grassfield’ to ‘Gracefield’. David will be preaching tonight and Terry will preach on Saturday night.

Heidi Baker’s team (Iris Ministries) are fully involved with us in all we are doing and we plan to spend some time with them on Monday/Tuesday.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday 7th May

We have joined up with the rest of the team for some relaxation and everyone is fine.

Most of the team are heading back for the UK tomorrow but Mo, Terry, Joelle a couple of guys from Suffolk (Andrew & Dave) will be staying on until next Wednesday.

Last night was a good start to the crusade with a crowd of about 500-600. The response was mainly for healing as most were already Christians. We prayed for about 40 with toothache/dental problems and about half said they had experienced some healing

There were others (about 200) who showed they had been healed of a whole range of sicknesses by the end of the evening. The usual pattern is for more to come each night so please pray that the numbers will grow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday 6th May

The team of five are now safely settled in The Grand Regency Guest House in Lumley while the rest of the team continue on the project work for The City of Rest.

Last night the Lumley Team had supper with some leaders who are helping with the conference. We enjoyed barbecued snapper – a delicious local fish – with chips and salad. It was wonderful to meet up again with old friends. A young man – Andrew Sesay – who was saved and baptised as a result of our very first team visit in 1994, now leads the work of Iris Ministries (Heidi Baker) in Sierra Leone. After supper as our guests were about to leave the Holy Spirit came powerfully on a young American couple (Isaac & Brittany) so they could hardly stand up. Brittany had some amazing words for Mo about how she had rarely seen the love of Jesus so clearly present in someone. As we prayed together Mo was deeply affected by what was happening.

The conference starts today with Terry and Andrew taking the first two sessions and Terry will speak at the crusade tonight. The rest of the team will be joining us for the evening.


Monday 4th May

This past week has gone so quickly and apart from a few tummy upsets the whole team have done really well. We have made good progress at the Grafton site for new centre for The City of Rest Drug Rehab. The base for the generator house has been laid and the walls are nearly complete. Dave Seddon & Will McCanna have spent most of their time down a hole in the ground helping to dig a well – now 15ft deep!
We have visited 7 of the Mission Direct projects and taken over £2,000 of Aid Goods that some of you gave us before we left – they are so grateful.
On Sunday morning we went to one of the local churches where Terry preached and Joelle visited the youth and children’s work. There was a good response with about a dozen people with poor eyesight were prayed for and about half said they could see better. Three people responded to the Gospel at the end of the service.
After the service we spent the rest of the day on a beautiful tropical beach swimming, tanning and eating barracuda, rice, mango and pineapple – well someone has to do it!
Today (Monday) most of the team will work on the Grafton site while Terry, Mo and Joelle go into Freetown for meetings with the Fire Chief of Sierra Leone and the head of the Sierra Leone Army Chaplains. They both want to talk to Terry about ‘trauma support’.
Tomorrow five of the team including Terry, Mo and Joelle travel to Lumley for the Pastors Conference and Crusade Meetings. On Tuesday evening they will have supper with the Conference organisers and the Iris Ministries team – the amazing work started by Heidi Baker.

I hope to refresh this blog every day now – SO PLEASE KEEP PRAYING