Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have been reflecting on some of the wonderful new friends we made in Toronto - I just received another email from a young lady in Germany who was blessed by seeing us at the conference - I am totally amazed that we seem to have been used by God in this way.
Then I remembered the 'word' Jill Austin gave us in the UK last November:
"We release the fire of God, and on this couple, where they have been so faithful. Lord, what I see dripping on them also is healing and what I see is an anointing in the prophetic.
More Lord – let your fire come – and even your life is a prophetic message says the Lord.”


After the prophetic words we received in Toronto I have continued to 'pick up paint brushes' and am now about halfway through the series of canvases on creation. My tutor, Ali, has been very encouraging and is helping me see how I can improve.

Mo is settling back into her routine with all the lovely people who help me to care for her. Yesterday one of the carers shared how Mo laughed out loud at a funny comment someone had made in a way that showed she had understood - she thought this was a bit unusual.

Tomorrow I will be helping out again with the BIG Year students - we will be watching some more training DVDs from Bethel (Redding). We are still 'fired up' after the visit to Moriah Chapel - Loughor!

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