Sunday, January 10, 2010


The past 24 hours have been really special and quite unexpected.
We are in the grip of a really cold spell - it's not often we have snow on the ground for more than a couple of days here in the Thames Valley but the cold seems to be affecting everything.
So it was very apt that a session of channel-hopping landed us in 'Narnia' for that wonderful 'wardrobe' film. The one where it was 'always winter but never Christmas'.
As we watched Mo became more and more engaged with the story, and that very rarely happens. It was like she was taking part the story in a very positive way. She began to weep real tears as Aslan's battle with the witch reached a climax with the scene at The Stone Table. There was a look of absolute wonder on her face as Aslan came back to life and started breathing life back into the creatures that the witch had turned into stone. She looked at me as if to say 'could Aslan do that for me?' I PRAYED!
THEN - this morning I read this in my time with God:
Have you ever wished you had a “timer” that would tell you exactly when God was going to fulfill His promises in your life? A way to tell with assurance when your prayer would be answered for a helpmate... the salvation of a loved one ... the end of an extended illness? Abraham must have wished for such a timer on many occasions as he waited year after year for the son God had promised to give him. But in the birth of Isaac God demonstrated that, though His promises may not come speedily, they will come certainly. “At the set time of which God had spoken” (Ge 21:2), He fulfilled His long-standing covenant.