Saturday, November 7, 2009


I have decided to carry on blogging just as long as there is something worth sharing. Even if no one reads it I know it will help me with the discipline of 'journalling'.

Today looks like being a very interesting day as we take some of the River Church BIG Year Students to visit the church in South Wales where God used Evan Roberts to spark off the 1904 Welsh Revival. No accurate records were kept, but at least 150,000 people became Christians during the first six months of the revival. Drunkenness (binge drinking), lawlessness and imorality dropped dramatically putting breweries and pubs out of business and the police had little more to do than control the crowds and provide male voice choirs for the chapel meetings. If you want to know more look at I think we are in for a great day.

While we were in Toronto I had a prophetic word about picking up paint brushes and painting some large canvases - that was just amazing because after decades of neglecting the gift, in September I started some classes in acrylic painting. Here is one I did recently inspired by Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 - 'In The Beginning'. Not everybody's taste I know but I hope to improve with more practice.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We arrived back home an hour early thanks to a strong tailwind and we both had a really good night's sleep. It's now time to reflect on all the amazing things that have happenned during past week.

SO MUCH - without a doubt we have seen more amazing miracles and experienced more of the 'soaking' presence of God than at any other time in our lives.

Bumping into Heidi Baker and Joshua Mills in the hotel lobby was one of those 'God moments' and something definitely happenned as they prayed for us.

Just yesterday afternoon I was with the students on the River Church BIG Year and I had the opprtunity to pray for them - it was wild - I think we are carrying something!

I have got a much better understanding on why there is a delay on Mo being healed - just read this extract from an email I received yesterday -

I just finished reading your blog and was so blessed. I really love the humility and transparency. While I was there I would call my husband nightly and tell of the days events. I told about how I met you and Mo. I told them that when I looked at the two of you I truly saw the reflection the the Bride and Christ. The intense Love and dedication you have for your wife is the intense love and dedication that God has for us. To tell you the honest to God truth your beauty as a couple is what turned my heart away from myself and my needs to the needs of others. Those last few days my heart broke and I wept for others and for their freedom and no longer for myself. I have waited my entire life for this. Truly I can not wait to hear the day that Mo is set free. I found myself waking and praying for her.

During the week so many people came up to us and said stuff like this and what a blessing it had been to them to watch us during the meetings - I feel so touched and humbled by that.

I'm not sure about the theology of this but I get a feeling that the devil may be getting a bit hacked off at all the blessing that is coming from Mo's sickness that he is close to giving up and leaving us alone - WHAT DO YOU THINK?

What I do know is that I have a new strength to carry on as a result of being in Toronto.

Love - Terry & Mo

Monday, November 2, 2009


I really thought that yesterday's blog would be my last from Toronto - I was wrong!
I am awake very early and have been spending some time with God - it gives me a chance to get back into GMT as well I guess.

I promised God that I would not allow myself to be disappointed if Mo was not healed at the conference, but I guess I knew that would be a hard thing to take. But I am amazed at how much God has taught me about Mo and about myself over the past week without any obvious improvement in her condition.

I have been re-reading 'The Shack' and I am realising that part of my 'now' journey has been to visit my own 'Great Sadness' (you have to read the book) and to see that Papa God has always been right there with me so there is nothing to fear. As a result God has been doing some very big things in me, and it all started coming clear while Joshua Mills was preaching yesterday morning.

As a result I have:
1) Fully forgiven those whose actions over the years have taken Mo into depression, fear, and into the panic attacks that I believe may have contributed to how she is now;
2) Fully forgiven myself for the intense anger I have felt towards those people;
3) Fully forgiven myself for the anger I have felt towards God for not protecting Mo from this sickness;
4) Fully forgiven myself for the anger and frustration I have sometimes expressed towards Mo when I have felt that I just couldn't cope any more;
5) Received a new way of understanding why Mo has not been healed yet;

The key was in James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Through what Joshua shared yesterday I realised that the time between now, and when Mo is fully healed, is to be a time of special blessing when we can still have an effective ministry together by proving that what satan intended for evil God can use for good. (See Genesis 50:20).

Thank you for your prayers - THEY WORKED!
With our love - Terry & Mo

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today's pictures are of the two young ladies from the UK who have been a support to us in prayer and in caring for Mo - also of Joshua Mills and his wife and son.

I didn't write a blog yesterday - to be honest I was feeling very down as it had been a big struggle all day. I couldn't get Mo to eat more than a few scraps and when it came to prayer at the end of the evening meeting (Fire Tunnels for those who understand the jargon!) Mo was very resistant - saying 'no no no'. I believe it was right to take her through and trust that God was doing something - AND HE WAS!

Today started down at the TACF building with three people prophesying over us with some really helpful stuff - all on tape for us to bring home. Then we went into the morning meeting. Joshua Mills was preaching again and it was utterly amazing (I have ordered the DVD). Basically he shared his testimony about how God moved him from a place of cynicism and doubt about the 'Toronto stuff' back in the mid 90s to a place where God touched him very deeply and how God is now using him in the most extraordinary signs and wonders and mircales you have ever heard of.

We were in the 2nd row and about half an hour into his message I saw one gold fleck appear on his face. After another 5-10mins his face and jacket were covered in gold flecks - it happenned before our eyes. The sense of God's presence was something we will never forget - everyone was getting touched very powerfully. He prayed for Mo at the end and God showed him excatly what was wrong with her.

It's kind of difficult to explain, but through Joshua's message I now have a much better understanding why Mo's healing has been delayed. One of the clues is the large number of people who came up to us at the conference and shared what a blessing it had been to them to see how we 'were' together and the love we had for each other - WOW!

The reason why we have a photo of us with Joshua and his family is another one of God's hotel lobby appointments - we walked in as they were walking out - so we were able to chat and take a photo - THANK YOU LORD JESUS!

Just one more healing meeting tonight before we fly out in the morning - Mo is asleep in the hotel room while I do some packing.