Monday, October 26, 2009


Sorry - no pics today!
It has been a lovely gentle day before what will no doubt be a fairly hectic schedule next week.
The highlight was the unusual start to the day. We were told that if we arrived at the church about 9:00 and put our names on a list some of the 'prophetic team' would prophesy over us.
That may seem very strange if you have never experienced that kind of thing, but we found it just amazing. After about a 10 minutes wait we sat in a circle with three of the TACF prophetic team (two were teenagers in training!). The leader explained that each of them would bring any words or Scriptures that God gave them, it would be recorded on a hand-held cassette machine and we would be given a copy.
The leader started by saying she saw us standing at a waterfall and that God wanted us to enjoy a time of refreshing - WOW - she had no idea we had visited Niagara the day before but we were really touched by her words. The other two gave us helpful Scriptures including the one about - 'rising up on wings like eagles'. There was a word for Mo about her having a sweet and gentle spirit. Then came the big one - the leader looked at me and said 'I see you painting - you are an artist - you are taking up paint brushes - I see you painting on a large canvas'. I was beginning to lose it at this point because at the end of September I signed up for some acrylic painting classes and I have literally just completed the first large canvas I have ever painted - the theme is 'Let There Be Light' - Creation Day 1. Maybe there's more happening here than I realised.

After coffee we went to the morning meeting and got some more prayer followed by lunch in the Church Cafe. After resting in the afternoon we went for more healing prayer for Mo in the evening - people were so lovely and gentle in how they prayed.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow - Heidi's Mission School starts at 9:00 - can't wait!

Thanks for praying - Terry & Mo

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