Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm a bit late with the blog today - there is such a lot happening!

A couple more pics for you - although one conference is pretty much like another when it comes to photo's.

I need to report on the whole of Wednesday and most of Thursday - we are catching a short break in our room before the evening session with Joshua Mills - he is an amazing young preacher with songwriting gifts, but he is best known for moving in some staggering creative miracles and suddenly finding himself transported in the Spirit just like Philp in Acts 8:40. You could Google him if you are interested - but be warned - just like most of the other guys I have come to respect in ministry, there are some critical people out there who think he's a false prophet!

The three sessions from Heidi were outstanding (I'm bringing back DVDs and audio files)

She is a lady who has lived through incredible dangers and persecution but has seen God move whole villages to receive Christ - WHAT AN INSPIRATION. She prayed for us a couple of times and we will be able to keep in touch with her as we prepare the River Church BIG Year Team for the visit to Freetown next May.

This afternoon we sat next to a young lady from Juna, Alaska. I knew that My good friend Eric Cowley had taken meetings in Juna so I aske if she knew him. She nearly fell off her seat - she had not only heard of Eric but he had minstered many times in her church and had been a tremendous blessing. She was shocked that we were sitting together - so we ended up praying for each other.

Although I am not seeing anything dramatic in Mo yet, today has been much more settled - thank you for praying and for sending emails. What I can say is that the whole experience is like sitting in a warm bath - the sense of God's presence and His peace is just wonderful - we both feel very safe and very loved by the Father - IT'S BEYOND WORDS!


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