Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Iknow it's sad - but yesterday I weighed in at Weightwatchers - Toronto

I lost half a pound - which isn't bad after a diet of muffins and cookies!

Well - we finally got to meet Heidi late last night. We were heading for the lift in our hotel late last night when Heidi and one of her team arrived in the lobby. God's planning that we are in the same hotel I'm sure!

Last week Andrew Sesay (her leader in Freetown) was with Heidi so we were able to share about the BIG Year team visit next May. I asked her how her husband (Rolland) was doing (he was healed of dementia a few weeks ago). She is going to tell the full story this morning.

Most of yesterday was hearing amazing stories of what God is doing in remote places around the world. We were introduced to the expression 'Extreme Mission' - this is not just about lots of walking and sleeping under the stars and eating wierd food - it's about arriving in a hostile village - having rocks thrown at you - shouting out 'bring us your deaf and blind' - seeing them healed in the name of Jesus - seeing whole villages become Christians as a result - planting a church - moving on to the next village. THIS IS SUCH CHALLENGING STUFF.

We have met people who have seen heavy rainfall arrive out of season as a direct result of their prayers - others who routinely see severely disable / deaf / blind people totally healed in an instant. We are getting all the prayer and input on offer by making sure we are in the front row - YOU KNOW ME!

Today is the end of the Mission School and the start of the main conference so we will hear Heidi speak twice - please pray that we get ba chance to speak with her again and for her to pray for us.


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