Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today's pictures are of the two young ladies from the UK who have been a support to us in prayer and in caring for Mo - also of Joshua Mills and his wife and son.

I didn't write a blog yesterday - to be honest I was feeling very down as it had been a big struggle all day. I couldn't get Mo to eat more than a few scraps and when it came to prayer at the end of the evening meeting (Fire Tunnels for those who understand the jargon!) Mo was very resistant - saying 'no no no'. I believe it was right to take her through and trust that God was doing something - AND HE WAS!

Today started down at the TACF building with three people prophesying over us with some really helpful stuff - all on tape for us to bring home. Then we went into the morning meeting. Joshua Mills was preaching again and it was utterly amazing (I have ordered the DVD). Basically he shared his testimony about how God moved him from a place of cynicism and doubt about the 'Toronto stuff' back in the mid 90s to a place where God touched him very deeply and how God is now using him in the most extraordinary signs and wonders and mircales you have ever heard of.

We were in the 2nd row and about half an hour into his message I saw one gold fleck appear on his face. After another 5-10mins his face and jacket were covered in gold flecks - it happenned before our eyes. The sense of God's presence was something we will never forget - everyone was getting touched very powerfully. He prayed for Mo at the end and God showed him excatly what was wrong with her.

It's kind of difficult to explain, but through Joshua's message I now have a much better understanding why Mo's healing has been delayed. One of the clues is the large number of people who came up to us at the conference and shared what a blessing it had been to them to see how we 'were' together and the love we had for each other - WOW!

The reason why we have a photo of us with Joshua and his family is another one of God's hotel lobby appointments - we walked in as they were walking out - so we were able to chat and take a photo - THANK YOU LORD JESUS!

Just one more healing meeting tonight before we fly out in the morning - Mo is asleep in the hotel room while I do some packing.


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