Monday, October 1, 2007

ARGENTINE TRIP - Sunday Night - Buenos Aires International Airport

I thought I would pull the ultimate poser trick and blog you from the airport on the wi-fi - I'm learning fast!
We had another great time at church this morning - after feeling a bit flat we were so encouraged by the preaching of one of Claudio's staff. He spoke from Mark 4 about the disciples feeling fearful during a storm. Jesus was in the boat with them but he was asleep. I have heard loads of messages on this passage and preached a few myself but it really hit home for both opf us this morning. We were in floods of tears as God reminded us that:
1) We have been obedient to God as the disciples were - we are in the boat and crossing to the other side
2) We are experiencing a storm in our lives for all kinds of reasons but mainly through Mo's illness
3) Jesus is still in the boat with us even though we sometimes think he doesn't care and has forgotten about us
4) The time will come when Jesus WILL command the storm to be still and we will get to place he intends us to be!
No wonder we were in tears.
At the end of the service a pastor from Taiwan came over and prayed with us - it was very powerful and emotional
He took us back to his home mto meet his wife and we had some lunch together. On the way we stopped at his store - a kind of corner grocery shop that he runs to support his ministry. He asked me to pray for the young people working in his store - God touched every one of them and we were all in more tears. HOW EMBARRASING!
After we had eaten he drove us back to the hotel to collect our cases and we were soon on our way by taxi to the airport.
We will board the plane to Washinmgton in a few minutes.
Hope you all enjoyed my first attempts at blogging


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