Saturday, May 22, 2010


It will be IMPOSSIBLE to explain in this blog what an amazing time we are all having here in Freetown!
We arrived safely on Wednesday night and Andrew our host had arranged for a friend to assist us through customs and immigration to the helicopter. It has never been so EASY! The first surprise was that the Helcopter crew are all Romanian so one of our team members (Lina) who is Romanian was able to chat with them and tell them all about our mission – she was so excited. Yesterday Lina and Tom visited them and they were really interested in her ‘story’!
We had a briefing session with Andrew then our ‘transport’ – a really good 30 seater bus – took us into Freetown for our first experience of the stresses of city life. Our plans were to visit the museum and market, have a snack lunch, then on to the beach. In the heat, humidity and chaos, all we could manage was to get some lunch. I couldn’t have set up a better exercise for the team to be exposed to the frustrations of life here in Sierra Leone! After a short rest at the hotel we went to Andrew’s base for snapper (a local fish) and chips followed by an absolutely wonderful time of worship.
After breakfast we went out in teams of 4 plus a member of Andrew’s team to offere to pray for people living around the hotel – God had told Andrew that we should start in our ‘Jerusalem’. What happened was the beginning of the fulfilment of the prophecies we had been given – a time of harvesting – catching many fish – an anointing for ‘breakthrough’. IT WAS AMAZING!
After only 2 hours every team came back with stories of healing and people receiving Christ.
In a shack next to the hotel an elderly man with cloudy eyes had his sight restored and was able read to the amazement of his family – he then prayed to receive Christ, followed by his grandson and some other members of his family. A builder with a stomach ulcer felt some thing changing inside as we prayed – he went on to receive Christ. Andre believes he can now plant a church here! We will tell you more when we get home. We estimate that at least 9 people prayed to receive Christ on the streets.
After lunch at the hotel we spent a couple of hours on the beach (SORRY) then back to the hotel for a rest followed by supper at the base and another time of worship and sharing about the amazing time we had in the morning.
After breakfast we will take a 2 hour drive to a village where Andrew is already working to do more of the same – WE CAN’T WAIT!

All the team are well and working hard – HONESTLY!
On Sunday we will send the team out to local churches where Di, Vicky, Tom and Terry will lead the team members in sharing their stories
Please keep up the prayer


techie-tim said...

brilliant news / great stuff - go for it guys!

Unknown said...
