Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've been thinking - dangerous I know but someone has to do it!
Blogging is such a wierd thing to do - you let a whole bunch of total strangers into the most intimate secrets of your life and that's risky!
What if you blog something you regret or wish you could un-blog - it's too late!
With another trip to Sierra Leone planned for May - a team of 18 from River Church - this is the time when I start to have all sorts of doubts and fears:
> What if Mo's Alzheimer's suddenly gets worse and she can't go?
> What if everyone else on the team raises their funds but we fail - so far we have exactly nothing towards the £3,000 we need?
> What if no-one on the team raises enough money?
What an admission for a so-called leader!
But every trip we have ever made has been exactly like this, with a major sinking feeling inside that this time we will fail.
THEN I start looking at the massive encouragements:
> Andrew Sesay of Iris Ministries has a big vision for our trip and is working hard at the pre-planning in Freetown
> We have found a brand new hotel at a bargain price - it's by the beach and has aircon!
> Just last night a really good friend was on the phone and 'out-of-the-blue' announced that he wants to send us a cheque - I resisted the temptation to ask "how much"?


Unknown said...

It is going to be amazing. I wish we were going with you and I could sit with MO :0). She is such a blessing! I love your transparency. The emotions you have are ones that we all have when taking a huge leap of faith like yours! I know that God is going to bless your socks off! Thanks for the posts!

Jax said...

"What an admission for a so-called leader!"

Terry...if you didn't have doubts you'd not be a leader...we all do, we're all human.
Admitting it is the best thing a leader can do.

Hugs & prayers for you & Mo.