Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday 9th May

Can our lives get even more amazing?
God set up some incredible coincidences yesterday. There are 6 billion people on this planet but God determines who we will meet each day.

Terry was working on his laptop and needed extra time to finish so we were 15 minutes late leaving the guesthouse. Just as we were leaving a 4x4 stopped and a very excited young man, Julian, who Terry had met briefly in the UK, jumped out of the vehicle and gave him a big sweaty hug. He was from Terry & Mo’s previous church in Tonbridge and is married to a childhood friend of their daughter Seanna. We spent some time together later in the afternoon with Julian, his wife and also Peter West, a good friend of Mission Direct from the UK. How amazing is that?

The conference continues to be well attended and the sessions are much appreciated by the delegates some of whom have travelled up to 8 hours on buses to be here. Andrew spoke at one of the sessions.

The third night of the crusade went well with about 800 attending and a few more musical contributions, including the most popular Sierra Leonian female Gospel singer – Vic Fornah. It was quite late by the time Dave began speaking but he did really well on his first ‘preach’ in West Africa. Around 40 people responded to become Christians or to rededicate themselves to Christ. There were plenty of opportunities for the UK team to pray for people. Many of these new converts have been caught up in black magic and have been under the control of witch doctors – many of them were set free last night as we prayed!

Today is the last day of the conference with Terry and Andrew speaking. Tonight Terry is the preacher. We have heard that the President’s Press Secretary – Sheka and his wife Rose will be at the crusade – in the UK they were members of the Newfrontiers church in Oldham. Please pray for a mighty move of God on this nation. The President has recently asked the whole nation to repent, fast and pray during the next three months to see a turn around in Sierra Leone’s plight as the poorest nation on earth. Our whole team is fasting today.


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