Wednesday, July 22, 2009


You wonder how you got there, why you are doing it, and if it's really happening!

If, like me, you receive prayer letters and information from Mission Organisations and people in Christian Ministry, you may sometimes wonder either; if they EVER have any problems like normal people, or if they are ALWAYS in difficulties, especially financial ones!

It reminds me of the 'glowing' Christmas letters that some of us send out in which we cover up all the problems and difficulties of life with a broad sweep of success and triumph.
I guess the same can be true of bloggers.

Right now I don't mind admitting that Mo and I are going through the toughest time of our lives as we approach our 40th wedding anniversary on August 9th, which happens to almost coincide with the famous moon-walkers.

For those of you who don't know anything about us, we have been in full-time Christian Ministry for over 20 years, but everything came to a shuddering halt in January 2005 when I was diagnosed with serious Lymphoma cancer and Mo was diagnosed with Alzheimers. I was suddenly, completely and wonderfully healed in March 2005 through the 'laying on of hands' and 'anointing with oil'. I wish I could say the same for Mo. The Alzheimers has been stable for quite a while now, but seems to be suddenly getting much worse.

Earlier this year we launched our new ministry under the name of 'Fuego', believing, that in spite of all the outward indicators, God had much more for us to do in reaching nations. What is happening with Mo right now, and the frankly disappointing response and lack of financial support from all but a few of our friends has meant that I am losing confidence in our ability to break through into the place I believe God wants us to be. I am carrying a big financial burden because of the cost of our last trip to Sierra Leone, plus all that was involved in the setting up of 'Fuego'. Hopes and dreams are crumbling fast and I am hanging on to God like never before.

I am enough of a realist to know that it is uinlikely that anyone will ever read this blog, but if you are the exception, please pray that we may get the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial breakthrough we so desperately need. We want to walk on the moon!!!!!!!!!!!

Terry & Mo Murphy -

"Expect great things from God. Attempt Great things for God."
William Carey

Phillipians 4:19-20
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen."
The Apostle Paul

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