Friday, May 28, 2010



In the morning we had planned a relaxing ‘tem time’ in the hotel but it turned into a Holy Spirit revival session! We were praying for each other in a small lounge and many of the staff who heard us came to join in. We prayed for them and they all had an encounter with God. It all ended with a ‘fire tunnel’ (jargon for two lines of people praying for you while you walk down the middle). It was prophesied over the team before we left that we would carry an epidemic of joy and it certainly happened that morning!

In the afternoon we went back to the big shed at King Jimmy for more worship and ministry with the beggars, prostitutes and kids living on the streets. After a time of worship and a short message from one of us we began to pray for people again. There were countless headache, and stomach ache healings. Their appreciation really melted our hearts. \there was a group of mainly men and some women with crutches or wheelchairs. Some of them were receiving a measure of healing after we prayed. We had lots of opportunities to hug many of the children and it seemed that they were experiencing some kind of healing through this. Back home in Maidenhead a prophetic teacher from Canada – Jim Paul – had prophesied over the team that we would do this and people would be healed.

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