Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Last night Mo and I spent an amazing evening at the O2 Arena in London with a sell-out audience listening to Paul McCartney's only UK gig - a very generous Christmas present from Dom and his girlfriend Sarah - they have 'contacts' in all the right places. The Beatles were an important part or our growing up. I remember queuing up to buy the Sergeant Pepper album the day it was released and it is still one of my most treasured posessions!

What a night! Paul included a lot of his new stuff so it avoided the mistake of being a 'Beatles Tribute Night' - although there were still plenty of the good old rocking numbers. Some of the songs brought tears to Mo's eyes, so memories were being touched deep down. The pyrotechnics for 'Live & Let Die' were scary and we were close enough to the stage to literally feel the heat of the explosions!

The band were on stage for 3 hours with a half-hour planned encore session - WHAT PHENOMINAL ENERGY! I say 'planned', because one of the 'encore' songs was Mull of Kintyre with a full pipe band - spine tingling stuff!


Sunday, December 13, 2009


Not much to blog about over the past couple of weeks. To be honest it's been quite a tough time with Mo - she gets very weepy and she can't tell me what's worrying her. I really don't want to put her back on anti-depressants unless I have to because it dumbs down the fun and laughter times, so we are using a lot of hugs.

Over the past two days I have been standing in the freezing cold trying to sell some of my artwork. If you follow this blog you will know that in September I started to get back into painting by doing some classes in acrylic painting. The art show on the streets of Maidenhead was great fun and I have met some lovely creative people. I was next to an astonishingly gifted watercolour artist who had produced some exquisitely detailed local landscapes, mostly on the river. He was such a lovely humble man and I am sure he could have charged much more for his beautiful paintings. I felt very insecure displaying my attempts next to his but he was so encouraging. In a strange way he reminded me so much of God who created this amazingly complex universe and then, having created me in his image, allowed me to work alongside him and express something of his creativity in my life.
Anyway - I did quite well and sold three pieces of my work - which was about the average with the other 40 or so artists. I have never sold any of my work before so it was a wierd feeling. The proceeds covered the cost of the pitch and another term of art lessons so I went home frozen but happy!

Monday, November 30, 2009


We went to visit our family yesterday - they live just outside the city of Birmingham. With only a month to go to Christmas the grandchildren were already excited and there was that lovely atmosphere of expectation in the air. I love it!
We decided to leave early in the morning so we could go to a church in Dudley led by Trevor and Sharon Baker. They have been deeply impacted by all that has happened in Toronto and have become a place that knows how to value, host and give away the presence of God. Whenever we visit it's like coming home and we always get blessed.
There are some remarkable places and people that have a touch of Bethlehem about them. Places and people that in human terms seem quite small, hidden and insignificant. But they are places and people chosen by God to demonstrate that he uses the weak, the foolish, the insignificant in worldly estimation to do some of his most powerful work. As I write this blog I am reminded of the words of the humble Shepherds on that hillside in Bethlehem after they had actually seen and heard the angels! “Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.” I guess that's a little of why Mo and I have been led to visit some of our 'Bethlehem' places over the past 15 years.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


It's a long and dull story but last night I ended up on my own in a cinema watching the new Disney version of 'A Christmas Carol'. What an amazing film and in 3D too! A word of warning - you need to duck when Scrooge spits!
The animation is so spectacular that at times you are not quite sure whether they are really live actors. So why am I bothering to blog about this? It's really quite scary in parts and I'm not sure I would want to take young children unless I wanted them to have several nightmares. I am convinced that somewhere in the crafting of the film there was a strong Christian influence. For me, the message of the Gospel came across through some very subtle but powerful images, and the singing of some powerful lines from 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' and 'Joy to The World'. The audience is confronted with the 'What happens when I die?' question and the 'Spirit of Christmas Present' has so many clever Christlike nuances. It left me wanting to preach the Gospel even more urgently. A GOOD PREPARATION FOR CHRISTMAS

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


It's never difficult for me to be enthusiastic about my dear friend Eric. Ever since the time Eric prophesied over me almost 20 years ago my respect for him and the influence he has been on my life has been profound. God used Eric to set up a 'chain reaction' in my life that has led to so much change and blessing. Without Eric's influence I would never have made my first visit to Sierra Leone. As a result God has enabled me to take several teams to minister his love to this, the poorest of poor nations. It was Eric who first showed me:
* How to pray for people to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit
* How to preach the Gospel to large crowds
* How to pray for multitudes of sick people and see them touched and healed by the power of God
* How to spend time waiting on God for a message for the people
* How to prepare my heart by praying Scripture out loud to myself until it became like a fire inside me
It's too early to be able to report on the fruit of Eric's visit. There were 10 people who responded for salvation or to renew their commitment to Christ. As usual he prayed with eveyone who wanted to receive prayer, most of the congregation stayed to receive so we didn't get away until about 1:30. I look forward to hearing what God has done in people's lives through healing, and the personal prophetic words that were shared.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Is there any such thing as an ordinary week in the life of a believer?
This week has 'felt' ordinary but maybe that's because I have missed some of the 'extraordinary' things God has been doing!
It has been painful to see Mo in tears and confusion more often than usual this week and to feel helpless about doing anything to make things better for her. But then I remember the staff at Harwood House telling me how lovely it was to see Mo going round and comforting some of the older and infirm residents yesterday.
Then I recall what a privilege it was to share our life story over a meal with the BIG Year Students on Thursday evening. It reminded me of just how much Mo has given herself to me and to others in over 23 years of ministry here in Maidenhead. Then when they all prayed for us I could see the power of God moving on Mo again - keeping alive the hope that God still has more for us to do for Him.

I am looking forward to introducing my dear friend Eric Cowley to River Church tomorrow morning. Whenever Eric comes something 'extraordinary' always happens. So Lord, please let tomorrow be a time for 'extraordinary' signs and wonders and miracles in Maidenhead. May there be a fresh release of salvation, healing and deliverance so that Jesus may be glorified.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Not much to write about over the past couple of days - except that London Irish are still in with a chance in The Anglo Welsh Cup by beating Cardiff by one point on Sunday! Hooray!
I had an inspiring day yesterday - I was in Luton for a Mission Direct Trustees Meeting. It is astonishing how we have grown over the past four years. We have been sending teams to seven different nations (around 1,000 volunteers) and next year Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe will be added. If you have never been on a missions trip I urge you to go as soon as possible - IT BEATS SITTING ON A BEACH HANDS DOWN.
I am more convinced than ever that every believer who is able should do a short-term missions trip before they go to Heaven. Not only does it bring such blessing to the poor, it transforms the individual and fires up local churches back home.
DO SOMETHING DANGEROUS TODAY - take a look at and start making plans. By the way - if you sign up to go to Sierra Leone you get to sit on a beach as well!

Friday, November 13, 2009


It's not often I get to go to London, but thanks to Alison King and the lovely staff at St Mark's who look after Mo, I was able to go to the Carers UK AGM - yea - I know that sounds like terminal boredom and I did wonder as I shelled out the extortionate £23 for the travel card at Maidenhead Station!
However, it was an amazing day with some amazing people. There were two panels with MPs from all parties facing the wrath of some very well informed carers wanting to know how £150 million pounds given to Primary Care Trusts for respite care had been 'lost'! Others objected to being paid so-called 'benefits' (Carers Allowance) when we are actually doing one of the worst paid and most demanding jobs you could imagine and saving the Government billions of pounds in health care each year. Passions were running high, and there were some very red faces on the panel I can tell you. It was very well managed by John Stapleton of GMTV. I got to ask a question about some of the inequalites in the Disability Living Allowance system for dementia sufferers.
The other benefit of the day was in being able to read most of Mariatu Kamara's remarkable book 'Bite of the Mango'. This amazing young lady has written the account of her tragic experiences at the hands of rebel child soldiers during the civil war in Sierra Leone, her time at the amputee camp in Freetown, and her adoption by a Canadian family in Toronto. It is a shocking but very moving story.
Anyone want to borrow the book?

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I felt a bit of a failure yesterday afternoon, but now I have reflected on what happened it probably wasn't so bad. I have an agreement with God that if anyone stops me on the street to sell me something or try to 'convert' me to whatever they are promoting, I will stop and listen - look staright into their eyes and ask God to show me something. Until I have something to say I just let them talk and maintain eye contact. A few weeks ago God gave me the name of a young Hindu hippy girl and a physical condition I could pray for on the street.

I was in Maidenhead High Street yesterday when a young British guy came up to me selling books on 'philosophy' - I think he was a Hindu convert too. I looked and listened for about a minute and I could see he was beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable. I said "Is your name Norman?" He said "Yes, how did you know, are you psychic?" I said "No, I am a follower of Jesus and sometimes he tells me things about people." Then I said " Do you have anything wrong with your feet?" He said "Yes". I said "What's wrong with them?" He said "They smell!"
Well what hat would you have done? I said "You are winding me up aren't you?" He smiled at me and as I walked on I suggested it would be a good idea to be a bit more honest with people. Sure, I was a bit disappointed but I promised God that I would not give up, so I am looking forward to the next encounter.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Just a short blog today - over the weekend I saw a remarkable young amputee victim from Sierra Leone on one of the TV news channels. Her name is Mariatu Kamara. Like so many of her generation she suffered terribly at the hands of the rebels during the war. Eventually she went to Canada, was adopted by a family in Toronto and has written a book about her experiences. I went straight out and bought the book - 'Bite of the Mango' - published by Bloomsbury Publishing plc. I plan to read it over the next couple of days.
She has a website if you are interested -

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have been reflecting on some of the wonderful new friends we made in Toronto - I just received another email from a young lady in Germany who was blessed by seeing us at the conference - I am totally amazed that we seem to have been used by God in this way.
Then I remembered the 'word' Jill Austin gave us in the UK last November:
"We release the fire of God, and on this couple, where they have been so faithful. Lord, what I see dripping on them also is healing and what I see is an anointing in the prophetic.
More Lord – let your fire come – and even your life is a prophetic message says the Lord.”


After the prophetic words we received in Toronto I have continued to 'pick up paint brushes' and am now about halfway through the series of canvases on creation. My tutor, Ali, has been very encouraging and is helping me see how I can improve.

Mo is settling back into her routine with all the lovely people who help me to care for her. Yesterday one of the carers shared how Mo laughed out loud at a funny comment someone had made in a way that showed she had understood - she thought this was a bit unusual.

Tomorrow I will be helping out again with the BIG Year students - we will be watching some more training DVDs from Bethel (Redding). We are still 'fired up' after the visit to Moriah Chapel - Loughor!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Do you sometimes hear a song that you wish you didn't like but it gets inside you and God begins to speak - I think people talk about 'guilty secrets' or mmm that's a bity cheesy!
Have you ever listened to West Life singing 'You Raise Me Up'?
It has become an anthem about human relationships but I think that Josh Groban may have had something very different in mind when he wrote it.
Have a look at this YouTube Link Flag

Were you blessed?

We had a great day today - at River Church we had some amazing reports from people who had been on overseas mission trips. One of our leaders had been back to an unreached people group where he had already spent a year with his family establishing training for pastors and a church planting strategy - it's brilliant what God has been doing - I have such admiration for this guy and his family. We also heard from a team that just got back from Lesotho - again amazing stories - I think it should be compulsory for everyone to do a short-term missions trip before they go to heaven.

Have a great week standing on mountains and walking on stormy seas!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


On October 31st 1904, in the tiny Welsh mining village of Loughor, the Holy Spirit moved on agroup of 16 young people at a prayer meeting led by a 26 year old aspiring preacher Evan Roberts. This was the moment when God chose to spark off a revival that led to around 150,000 conversions throughout Wales in the first 6 months alone.
I am not big on shrines and buildings, which is strange in someone who was an architect, but I have to say that as Mo and I stood and looked out from the pulpit where Evan Roberts had stood and preached, I was unexpectedly and profoundly moved. How amazing that God would take a humble but passionate young man from a tiny insignificant place and impact the whole world.
Two years later something similar was happening in a tiny storefront church in Azusa Street, Los Angeles through an equally humble and passionate black preacher William J Seymour.
These twin revivals spread around the world like wildfire and today Pentecostal and Charismatic believers number over half a billion souls (Wikepedia estimate).
We were with a group of students from River Church, Maidenhead who had chosen to make the three hour drive today as part of their BIG Year discipleship course. While we were in the schoolroom at Moriah Chapel where the young people met to pray it seemed natural to sing the hymn most closely associated with the revival as tears began to well up.
On the mount of crucifixion
Fountains opened deep and wide
Through the floodgates of God's mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide
Grace and peace like mighty rivers
Poured incessant from above
And heaven's peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love
Lord Jesus - thank you for taking Evan Roberts and using his simple obedience to impact the whole world - to impact ME!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I have decided to carry on blogging just as long as there is something worth sharing. Even if no one reads it I know it will help me with the discipline of 'journalling'.

Today looks like being a very interesting day as we take some of the River Church BIG Year Students to visit the church in South Wales where God used Evan Roberts to spark off the 1904 Welsh Revival. No accurate records were kept, but at least 150,000 people became Christians during the first six months of the revival. Drunkenness (binge drinking), lawlessness and imorality dropped dramatically putting breweries and pubs out of business and the police had little more to do than control the crowds and provide male voice choirs for the chapel meetings. If you want to know more look at I think we are in for a great day.

While we were in Toronto I had a prophetic word about picking up paint brushes and painting some large canvases - that was just amazing because after decades of neglecting the gift, in September I started some classes in acrylic painting. Here is one I did recently inspired by Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 - 'In The Beginning'. Not everybody's taste I know but I hope to improve with more practice.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We arrived back home an hour early thanks to a strong tailwind and we both had a really good night's sleep. It's now time to reflect on all the amazing things that have happenned during past week.

SO MUCH - without a doubt we have seen more amazing miracles and experienced more of the 'soaking' presence of God than at any other time in our lives.

Bumping into Heidi Baker and Joshua Mills in the hotel lobby was one of those 'God moments' and something definitely happenned as they prayed for us.

Just yesterday afternoon I was with the students on the River Church BIG Year and I had the opprtunity to pray for them - it was wild - I think we are carrying something!

I have got a much better understanding on why there is a delay on Mo being healed - just read this extract from an email I received yesterday -

I just finished reading your blog and was so blessed. I really love the humility and transparency. While I was there I would call my husband nightly and tell of the days events. I told about how I met you and Mo. I told them that when I looked at the two of you I truly saw the reflection the the Bride and Christ. The intense Love and dedication you have for your wife is the intense love and dedication that God has for us. To tell you the honest to God truth your beauty as a couple is what turned my heart away from myself and my needs to the needs of others. Those last few days my heart broke and I wept for others and for their freedom and no longer for myself. I have waited my entire life for this. Truly I can not wait to hear the day that Mo is set free. I found myself waking and praying for her.

During the week so many people came up to us and said stuff like this and what a blessing it had been to them to watch us during the meetings - I feel so touched and humbled by that.

I'm not sure about the theology of this but I get a feeling that the devil may be getting a bit hacked off at all the blessing that is coming from Mo's sickness that he is close to giving up and leaving us alone - WHAT DO YOU THINK?

What I do know is that I have a new strength to carry on as a result of being in Toronto.

Love - Terry & Mo

Monday, November 2, 2009


I really thought that yesterday's blog would be my last from Toronto - I was wrong!
I am awake very early and have been spending some time with God - it gives me a chance to get back into GMT as well I guess.

I promised God that I would not allow myself to be disappointed if Mo was not healed at the conference, but I guess I knew that would be a hard thing to take. But I am amazed at how much God has taught me about Mo and about myself over the past week without any obvious improvement in her condition.

I have been re-reading 'The Shack' and I am realising that part of my 'now' journey has been to visit my own 'Great Sadness' (you have to read the book) and to see that Papa God has always been right there with me so there is nothing to fear. As a result God has been doing some very big things in me, and it all started coming clear while Joshua Mills was preaching yesterday morning.

As a result I have:
1) Fully forgiven those whose actions over the years have taken Mo into depression, fear, and into the panic attacks that I believe may have contributed to how she is now;
2) Fully forgiven myself for the intense anger I have felt towards those people;
3) Fully forgiven myself for the anger I have felt towards God for not protecting Mo from this sickness;
4) Fully forgiven myself for the anger and frustration I have sometimes expressed towards Mo when I have felt that I just couldn't cope any more;
5) Received a new way of understanding why Mo has not been healed yet;

The key was in James 1:2-4
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.

Through what Joshua shared yesterday I realised that the time between now, and when Mo is fully healed, is to be a time of special blessing when we can still have an effective ministry together by proving that what satan intended for evil God can use for good. (See Genesis 50:20).

Thank you for your prayers - THEY WORKED!
With our love - Terry & Mo

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today's pictures are of the two young ladies from the UK who have been a support to us in prayer and in caring for Mo - also of Joshua Mills and his wife and son.

I didn't write a blog yesterday - to be honest I was feeling very down as it had been a big struggle all day. I couldn't get Mo to eat more than a few scraps and when it came to prayer at the end of the evening meeting (Fire Tunnels for those who understand the jargon!) Mo was very resistant - saying 'no no no'. I believe it was right to take her through and trust that God was doing something - AND HE WAS!

Today started down at the TACF building with three people prophesying over us with some really helpful stuff - all on tape for us to bring home. Then we went into the morning meeting. Joshua Mills was preaching again and it was utterly amazing (I have ordered the DVD). Basically he shared his testimony about how God moved him from a place of cynicism and doubt about the 'Toronto stuff' back in the mid 90s to a place where God touched him very deeply and how God is now using him in the most extraordinary signs and wonders and mircales you have ever heard of.

We were in the 2nd row and about half an hour into his message I saw one gold fleck appear on his face. After another 5-10mins his face and jacket were covered in gold flecks - it happenned before our eyes. The sense of God's presence was something we will never forget - everyone was getting touched very powerfully. He prayed for Mo at the end and God showed him excatly what was wrong with her.

It's kind of difficult to explain, but through Joshua's message I now have a much better understanding why Mo's healing has been delayed. One of the clues is the large number of people who came up to us at the conference and shared what a blessing it had been to them to see how we 'were' together and the love we had for each other - WOW!

The reason why we have a photo of us with Joshua and his family is another one of God's hotel lobby appointments - we walked in as they were walking out - so we were able to chat and take a photo - THANK YOU LORD JESUS!

Just one more healing meeting tonight before we fly out in the morning - Mo is asleep in the hotel room while I do some packing.


Saturday, October 31, 2009


It's Saturday morning already and we have a new best friend - Joy Buckland from Juno, Alaska. Here she is in the meeting last night with Mo. She is really lovely and we have taken to each other - she has been a real blessing with Mo and has been telling her husband back home about us.
In some ways Thursday was just another typical day - if typical could EVER be the right description of what is happening at this conference. We have been to a few in our time (including Lakeland) but we have never been anywhere where there has been such a sustained sense of God's loving presence - from the moment you walk in the doors. The only other place that gave us that immediate sense of 'WOW God is here' was when we walked into the River Church Centre in Tonbridge, Kent, UK.
Here is a typical day for us:
6:30 get up and get ready
7:30 take the 10min walk to the church for breakfast and a catchup on emails and blogging on the free wi-fi! Then after finding a seat in the auditorium we spend an hour in the chapel 'soaking' - basically lying on the carpet while others pray with gentle backround worship music - IT'S WONDERFUL!
10:00 The start of the first session with worship - a lot of the worship has been what I would call 'free form' where the musicians and singers blend in a spontaineous time of amazing praise. The sense of God's presence is often so overwhelming that you just have to sit down or lie down - you also have to deal with the thoughts of 'when are they going to sing a proper song that we all know'. - They do sometimes - and that's good too.
The meal breaks are great for meeting new friends from all over the world!
The three speakers yesterday were Duncan Smith (ex Spurgeons) and full of fire - Carol Arnott who did a workshop on how to get into God's presence and see visions, so there was more time on the carpet focusing on God - then Joshua Mills spoke in the evening and I can hardly describe what happenned but it ended up with Joshua praying for each one of us and anointing us with oil. There were at least a thousand people and there were bodies all over the floor getting blessed by God.
Mo was definitely being touched and she has been very loving this morning but still no evidence yet of the breakthrough we are looking for.
Love - Terry & Mo

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I'm a bit late with the blog today - there is such a lot happening!

A couple more pics for you - although one conference is pretty much like another when it comes to photo's.

I need to report on the whole of Wednesday and most of Thursday - we are catching a short break in our room before the evening session with Joshua Mills - he is an amazing young preacher with songwriting gifts, but he is best known for moving in some staggering creative miracles and suddenly finding himself transported in the Spirit just like Philp in Acts 8:40. You could Google him if you are interested - but be warned - just like most of the other guys I have come to respect in ministry, there are some critical people out there who think he's a false prophet!

The three sessions from Heidi were outstanding (I'm bringing back DVDs and audio files)

She is a lady who has lived through incredible dangers and persecution but has seen God move whole villages to receive Christ - WHAT AN INSPIRATION. She prayed for us a couple of times and we will be able to keep in touch with her as we prepare the River Church BIG Year Team for the visit to Freetown next May.

This afternoon we sat next to a young lady from Juna, Alaska. I knew that My good friend Eric Cowley had taken meetings in Juna so I aske if she knew him. She nearly fell off her seat - she had not only heard of Eric but he had minstered many times in her church and had been a tremendous blessing. She was shocked that we were sitting together - so we ended up praying for each other.

Although I am not seeing anything dramatic in Mo yet, today has been much more settled - thank you for praying and for sending emails. What I can say is that the whole experience is like sitting in a warm bath - the sense of God's presence and His peace is just wonderful - we both feel very safe and very loved by the Father - IT'S BEYOND WORDS!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Iknow it's sad - but yesterday I weighed in at Weightwatchers - Toronto

I lost half a pound - which isn't bad after a diet of muffins and cookies!

Well - we finally got to meet Heidi late last night. We were heading for the lift in our hotel late last night when Heidi and one of her team arrived in the lobby. God's planning that we are in the same hotel I'm sure!

Last week Andrew Sesay (her leader in Freetown) was with Heidi so we were able to share about the BIG Year team visit next May. I asked her how her husband (Rolland) was doing (he was healed of dementia a few weeks ago). She is going to tell the full story this morning.

Most of yesterday was hearing amazing stories of what God is doing in remote places around the world. We were introduced to the expression 'Extreme Mission' - this is not just about lots of walking and sleeping under the stars and eating wierd food - it's about arriving in a hostile village - having rocks thrown at you - shouting out 'bring us your deaf and blind' - seeing them healed in the name of Jesus - seeing whole villages become Christians as a result - planting a church - moving on to the next village. THIS IS SUCH CHALLENGING STUFF.

We have met people who have seen heavy rainfall arrive out of season as a direct result of their prayers - others who routinely see severely disable / deaf / blind people totally healed in an instant. We are getting all the prayer and input on offer by making sure we are in the front row - YOU KNOW ME!

Today is the end of the Mission School and the start of the main conference so we will hear Heidi speak twice - please pray that we get ba chance to speak with her again and for her to pray for us.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today has been a down day - I'm determined to stay positive because whenever we go away there are usually a couple of days when Mo's responses make it quite difficult to cope. Yesterday Mo refused most of the food and seemed quite depressed all day except for the times when people were praying with her - and there has been plenty of that! We took some time out between the afternoon and evening sessions so we could rest and find some suitable food for Mo.

There are about 250 on the School of Mission from all over the world and we have met some lovely people from the USA / Netherlands / Austria / Germany / Ukraine / Australia / and we haven't met them ALL yet! There will be many more at the main conference which starts tomorrow afternoon.

Yesterday we had sessions covering 'fund raising' - 'planning for an overseas team' - and one from John Arnott about reaching the nations. They were all excellent with plenty of practical stuff as well as time to pray for each other.

Heidi arrives today and will be speaking at the evening session and in the morning tomorrow

Please pray that Mo will have a more settled day

Love - Terry & Mo

Monday, October 26, 2009


Sorry - no pics today!
It has been a lovely gentle day before what will no doubt be a fairly hectic schedule next week.
The highlight was the unusual start to the day. We were told that if we arrived at the church about 9:00 and put our names on a list some of the 'prophetic team' would prophesy over us.
That may seem very strange if you have never experienced that kind of thing, but we found it just amazing. After about a 10 minutes wait we sat in a circle with three of the TACF prophetic team (two were teenagers in training!). The leader explained that each of them would bring any words or Scriptures that God gave them, it would be recorded on a hand-held cassette machine and we would be given a copy.
The leader started by saying she saw us standing at a waterfall and that God wanted us to enjoy a time of refreshing - WOW - she had no idea we had visited Niagara the day before but we were really touched by her words. The other two gave us helpful Scriptures including the one about - 'rising up on wings like eagles'. There was a word for Mo about her having a sweet and gentle spirit. Then came the big one - the leader looked at me and said 'I see you painting - you are an artist - you are taking up paint brushes - I see you painting on a large canvas'. I was beginning to lose it at this point because at the end of September I signed up for some acrylic painting classes and I have literally just completed the first large canvas I have ever painted - the theme is 'Let There Be Light' - Creation Day 1. Maybe there's more happening here than I realised.

After coffee we went to the morning meeting and got some more prayer followed by lunch in the Church Cafe. After resting in the afternoon we went for more healing prayer for Mo in the evening - people were so lovely and gentle in how they prayed.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow - Heidi's Mission School starts at 9:00 - can't wait!

Thanks for praying - Terry & Mo

Saturday, October 24, 2009



We have had an amazing day - probably our one and only 'tourist' day. We boarded a coach at 7:00 this morning - what a nice touch that God should provide the founders of 'Fuego' with a tour company called 'Chariots of Fire'. The driver had a great sense of humour and it was great to be able to see some of the Ontario countryside during the 90min drive to the falls at Niagara. The autumn colours are at their spectacular best - gold / yellow / orange / flame red - and we saw black red and grey squirrells.
At the falls we went up the Skylon Tower which gives amazing views over the falls. Then we went on one of the 'Maid of the Mist' boats - I wondered about the wisdom of exposing Mo to this (she's not great with boats) but she absolutely loved it. We all had plastic capes to wear but we still got soaked!
We are back in the hotel and snacking on Starbucks sandwiches and tea. We will walk down to the church in a few minutes just to check where it is. Tomorrow we will go to the morning meeting before the start of the School of Mission with Heidi Baker on Monday.
Love to you all - Terry & Mo

Monday, October 19, 2009


A lot has happenned since our last blog in the summer - after our return from Sierra Leone in May Mo seemed to be suddenly getting worse - but that is sometimes the way with Alzheimer's

I was beginning to feel very despondent and wondered whether Freetown had been our last overseas trip together - but - as usual with us - God was busy making much better plans!!!!!!!!

In September I heard about a conference coming up in Toronto where Heidi Baker would be speaking - the best tribute I ever heard about Heidi was from Bill Johnson of Bethel (Redding - California) who said "When I grow up I want to be like Heidi!" Bear in Mind that Bill may well be just about old enough to be her Dad! Heidi and her husband Rolland have seen over 8,000 churches planted in Africa in the past ten years - around 50 people raised from the dead - and just recently Rolland was amazingly healed of terminal vascular dementia - THAT GOT OUR ATTENTION BIGTIME!

We are making plans to take a team from River Church, Maidenhead to work with Heidi and Rolland Baker's team in Freetown next May.

Beacuse of Mo's condition we live on State Benefits (Thank you Mr Brown!) so we have no spare money, but we began to pray about going to the conference. After a couple of weeks we received a large cheque from someone who owed us money and I thought this is it! But God said we were to give most of it away - sometimes I wonder about God! We didn't argue but I didn't feel good about it. THEN during the next six weeks God restored back to us five times what we had given away - more than enough for us to go - HALLELUJAH!

The day I began to make plans to go to Toronto, Mo began to show some small signs of improvement - she seemed to be just a bit more aware of what was going on and was giving us some 'cheek'! Some of the lovely people who help me to care for Mo noticed the difference too!

SO - on Friday 23rd October Air Canada will be taking us to Toronto where we will have two Sundays in the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship as well as attending the conference.

This is us enjoying our first ever upgrade on the flight to Freetown last May - if you like you can pray that Air Canada will do the same.

If I am able I will add some Blogs while we are in Toronto - so do log on to and check it out - some comments from you would be great - especially if God gives you something to share with us.



Wednesday, July 22, 2009


You wonder how you got there, why you are doing it, and if it's really happening!

If, like me, you receive prayer letters and information from Mission Organisations and people in Christian Ministry, you may sometimes wonder either; if they EVER have any problems like normal people, or if they are ALWAYS in difficulties, especially financial ones!

It reminds me of the 'glowing' Christmas letters that some of us send out in which we cover up all the problems and difficulties of life with a broad sweep of success and triumph.
I guess the same can be true of bloggers.

Right now I don't mind admitting that Mo and I are going through the toughest time of our lives as we approach our 40th wedding anniversary on August 9th, which happens to almost coincide with the famous moon-walkers.

For those of you who don't know anything about us, we have been in full-time Christian Ministry for over 20 years, but everything came to a shuddering halt in January 2005 when I was diagnosed with serious Lymphoma cancer and Mo was diagnosed with Alzheimers. I was suddenly, completely and wonderfully healed in March 2005 through the 'laying on of hands' and 'anointing with oil'. I wish I could say the same for Mo. The Alzheimers has been stable for quite a while now, but seems to be suddenly getting much worse.

Earlier this year we launched our new ministry under the name of 'Fuego', believing, that in spite of all the outward indicators, God had much more for us to do in reaching nations. What is happening with Mo right now, and the frankly disappointing response and lack of financial support from all but a few of our friends has meant that I am losing confidence in our ability to break through into the place I believe God wants us to be. I am carrying a big financial burden because of the cost of our last trip to Sierra Leone, plus all that was involved in the setting up of 'Fuego'. Hopes and dreams are crumbling fast and I am hanging on to God like never before.

I am enough of a realist to know that it is uinlikely that anyone will ever read this blog, but if you are the exception, please pray that we may get the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial breakthrough we so desperately need. We want to walk on the moon!!!!!!!!!!!

Terry & Mo Murphy -

"Expect great things from God. Attempt Great things for God."
William Carey

Phillipians 4:19-20
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen."
The Apostle Paul

Monday, May 25, 2009

It is almost two weeks since our last blog and our return from Sierra Leone.
So much has happenned during these few days.
London Irish lost the Guiness Premiership to Leicester by ONE POINT - no doubt due mainly to the fact that we were not at Twickenham to cheer them on!
We managed to get along to Oxford and Tonbridge to hear Heidi Baker and to take her a video greeting from her team in Freetown.

On Sunday 19th were given a wonderful send-off by Jubilee Church as we negotiated the 'transfer' (no fee involved) to River Church. The pictures show Terry & Mo with some of the lunch guests, and with Stuart Otto - the Lead Elder of Jubilee Church.
Terry was given the opportunity to preach at River just yesterday!

On reflection there is so much to thank God for now we are back home.
The whole Mission Direct Team were outstanding in the way they worked together - THEY CAN ALL COME AGAIN!

For us personally, it was great to see Mo being herself and getting alongside people and praying for them - especially the children. Just like back home, Mo had her down moments of confusion and panic, but she soon came through them with the support of the rest of the team.

For Terry it was a time when opportunities to minister in healing seemed to reach another level, and time spent with the Iris Ministries Team (Heidi Baker) was challenging and inspiring.
It was encouraging to see The Mission Direct projects making such good progress. Who knows what will come out of the team visits to Kroo Bay - one of the worst slums in W Africa. The leaders of Mission Direct will need a lot of wisdom to know how to make an appropriate response to this massive humanitarian need.



Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday 13th May

Today is departure day!

YESTERDAY - after a breakfast of scrambled eggs Terry and Mo went into Lumley with Joelle. Sadly the Internet Café was not open so there was a lot of waiting around for things to happen again. Joelle did a supermarket shop for our packed lunches.

Terry and Mo spent the rest of the morning with the Iris Team at The Good Shepherd Clinic in Lumley. They go there every week to pray for the patients. Yet again God was doing some amazing things. We prayed for a man with his arm in a sling (a dislocated shoulder) as he was waiting to be seen. He was totally healed with full movement and went home a happy man! Others on hospital beds were also touched. A woman with very painful knee joints – completely healed. A very thin woman with low blood pressure who could hardly speak regained her strength and was up and out of bed straight after we had prayed. IT’S JUST AMAZING!

Andrew, Dave and Joelle were escorted to Kroo Bay by the Sierra Leone army Chaplain, Moses Kargbo, in the afternoon. Moses was passionate about his commitment to try to help the people of Kroo Bay. The place is on the coast of Freetown, and is a corrugated tin land of shacks quickly built with narrow passageways filled with silty mud. The land was previously used as a rice field. Pigs, chickens, dogs and goats all share the pathways and their excrement is mixed with the peoples and the huge volumes of rubbish washed down towards the sea. The previous night’s heavy rain had made the area was worse than ever. The “school” meets in a small building with several classes crammed into a tiny area, insufficient for the number of children there. The children don’t pay except for uniform, the teachers therefore are working for next to nothing and really just doing it for God.

In a couple of hours we will have our final meeting and farewells to the Pastors and after some beachside relaxation we will board the hovercraft for Lunghi airport. Our flight takes off at 11:50 and we should be back at Heathrow by 7:30am.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tues 12th May

Yesterday you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing a Bob Marley track wafting across the streets. “Let’s get together and feel alright” – “No woman no cry” – it was Bob Marley Day!

With two extra days available due to non-availability of seats on flights, we have been able to make some extra plans. After a breakfast of fried eggs and frankfurters we made our way down into Lumley to change some money and for Terry to do his ‘blogging’. While we were waiting for our money Andrew, Dave and Joelle had a guided tour around the school that operates at the JEEs church buildings. Then we were picked up in the Iris Ministries bus to spend the rest of the morning with their team. They are such great people!
We got to see Andrew & Angella Sesay’s two week old baby Heidi. Terry made a video of the Iris team to give to Heidi Baker when he and Mo meet her next weekend in Tonbridge. Then we worshipped together. Terry shared some encouragement from the book of Esther and we prayed for one another.

After a snack lunch at our guest house, it was time for a rest before supper. Then we decided to hit the nightspots – we were expecting the whole town to be partying to the sounds of the Marley Man, but frankly everything was a bit quiet. After a couple of hair-raising taxi rides and a mixture of local drinks and ice creams, we crawled into our beds at about 10:30!

Unfortunately we were awakened at about 5:00am to the sound of heavy rain. We are hoping it doesn’t spoil the plans for our final full day in Freetown. Terry and Mo will go and visit a hospital to pray for the sick with the ‘Iris’ team. The others will meet up with the army Chaplain – Major Moses – for a conducted visit to Crew Bay, the worst slum in West Africa.

Then I guess that we will have to pack tonight ready for our departure for the airport courtesy of a former Isle of Wight hovercraft !

There may be one more blog tomorrow .


Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday 11th May

Apparently today is celebrated in Sierra Leone as ‘Bob Marley Day’. So it will be very interesting to see if we come across any festivities.

Yesterday began with Terry and Mo making unsuccessful attempts to send the blog at an Internet Café. One was closed and the other one was too slow to be any use. As they say here ‘TIA’ – this is Africa!

The morning service at JEEs Ministries was packed with around 500 men women and children. Terry says it was the best he has ever seen it. The people were worshipping with all their hearts – you could see the presence of God on their faces. Most of the senior Pastors of JEEs churches were there and it was so moving to see them worship and dance together. It is so clear that they are the very best of friends and the churches are in good heart and continuing to grow. The church is so full of JOY!

One of the Pastors was very upset on Saturday when he dropped his cellphone and it smashed. Before Terry preached he asked the congregation to take up another offering to replace the phone. They gave the equivalent of roughly one month’s wages – amazing!

Terry preached applying the book of Esther to the current situation in Sierra Leone, and at the end another 12 people responded for salvation and baptism. There were a couple of healing testimonies from the night before. One lady spoke of a painful tumour that had been on her back for about 15 years. As she was prayed for, the lump disappeared instantly. Another woman had eyes that were constantly discharging tears and she could not see to read or work. As she was prayed for, the fluid dried up immediately and she could see perfectly. At the end of the service, the team were all given gifts of African clothing.

After the service there were 24 new believers baptised on the beach and then we managed a couple of hour’s relaxation at the Atlantic Hotel. Joelle and Dave played pool !

After a supper of chicken and pasta with salad, followed by mango we were collected by the Iris Ministries bus and attended their evening service. They now have 13 small congregations planted around the city. We were deeply moved with the simplicity and power of the worship ‘There’s no one, there’s no one like Jesus’. The message was given by a children’s worker sent out by St Aldate’s – Oxford. At the end he asked all the children to pray for the adults. It was incredibly moving and powerful. There was even a 2 year old laying hands on people. We were so privileged to be there. Today we plan to spend some more time at Iris.

Not long to go now – so PLEASE KEEP PRAYING

Sunday 10th May

Yesterday, the last day of the conference and crusade, was very busy.
We arrived at the Church early so that Joelle could set up for a session with the children and Terry went op post the blog at the Internet Café.

The three conference sessions went well. It was great to Hear Andrew Sesay of Iris Ministries tell of up to a hundred in Mozambique who had been raised from the dead through their teams. We hope to spend some more time with his team on Monday or Tuesday. At the end of the morning we gave out around 150 certificates to the delegates.

Joelle had an amazing time with the children. At first we had arranged for her to go in and ‘observe’, but they wanted her to do a session. What a star! She taught them songs – sorted out a colouring sheet and crayons – went out and bought squash, biscuits and lollies and all for nearly 200 children. She now has a bunch of kids following her everywhere and calling her ‘Auntie Joelle’.

It’s very difficult to know what was going on at the crusade last night. There were no more responses for salvation and the crowd was a bit small but some powerful things were happening. Terry invited everyone to kneel in the dust and experience the strong presence of God over the field. Then he invited people with cancer and eyesight problems to come forward for healing. We know that something was happening because around a dozen people – some in tears – shared that lumps or pain had disappeared and eyesight had been restored. We will try to get some more specific information.

At the end about 40 people came out to receive the Holy Spirit baptism and others to request water baptism. Later today the local pastors will baptise them on the beach.

It was good to renew our friendship with Sheka Tarawalie (The President’s Press Secretary). He came to the crusade and we hope to see him and his wife again before we leave on Wednesday night.

Terry is preaching at the host church this morning so please keep praying as we are all beginning to feel a bit tired!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday 9th May

Can our lives get even more amazing?
God set up some incredible coincidences yesterday. There are 6 billion people on this planet but God determines who we will meet each day.

Terry was working on his laptop and needed extra time to finish so we were 15 minutes late leaving the guesthouse. Just as we were leaving a 4x4 stopped and a very excited young man, Julian, who Terry had met briefly in the UK, jumped out of the vehicle and gave him a big sweaty hug. He was from Terry & Mo’s previous church in Tonbridge and is married to a childhood friend of their daughter Seanna. We spent some time together later in the afternoon with Julian, his wife and also Peter West, a good friend of Mission Direct from the UK. How amazing is that?

The conference continues to be well attended and the sessions are much appreciated by the delegates some of whom have travelled up to 8 hours on buses to be here. Andrew spoke at one of the sessions.

The third night of the crusade went well with about 800 attending and a few more musical contributions, including the most popular Sierra Leonian female Gospel singer – Vic Fornah. It was quite late by the time Dave began speaking but he did really well on his first ‘preach’ in West Africa. Around 40 people responded to become Christians or to rededicate themselves to Christ. There were plenty of opportunities for the UK team to pray for people. Many of these new converts have been caught up in black magic and have been under the control of witch doctors – many of them were set free last night as we prayed!

Today is the last day of the conference with Terry and Andrew speaking. Tonight Terry is the preacher. We have heard that the President’s Press Secretary – Sheka and his wife Rose will be at the crusade – in the UK they were members of the Newfrontiers church in Oldham. Please pray for a mighty move of God on this nation. The President has recently asked the whole nation to repent, fast and pray during the next three months to see a turn around in Sierra Leone’s plight as the poorest nation on earth. Our whole team is fasting today.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday 8th May

What an amazing day yesterday!
It started with three good sessions at the conference where Dave spoke powerfully on ‘Feeding the 5000’, then Terry taught two sessions on taking healing and prophecy out on the streets.
At the end we were able to give out about 100 copies of Greg Haslam’s ‘Preach The Word’ training manual for preachers. The were so excited!

In the afternoon we met up with the rest of the team for some relaxation. They travel back to the UK tonight and have done an amazing job. They made a visit to the worst slum in West Africa (Crew Bay) yesterday with an army escort. Mission Direct may be able to help an Army Chaplain with a project in this poorest of poor communities.

The second evening of the crusade was incredible! Andrew preached to a crowd of around 800 and we saw about 60 respond to the Gospel. Then around 200 people responded to receive physical healing or to be set free from demons and the control of black magic. It was obvious that many had been healed and set free. The sense of God’s presence over the field was powerful. God has told us to change the name of the field from ‘Grassfield’ to ‘Gracefield’. David will be preaching tonight and Terry will preach on Saturday night.

Heidi Baker’s team (Iris Ministries) are fully involved with us in all we are doing and we plan to spend some time with them on Monday/Tuesday.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday 7th May

We have joined up with the rest of the team for some relaxation and everyone is fine.

Most of the team are heading back for the UK tomorrow but Mo, Terry, Joelle a couple of guys from Suffolk (Andrew & Dave) will be staying on until next Wednesday.

Last night was a good start to the crusade with a crowd of about 500-600. The response was mainly for healing as most were already Christians. We prayed for about 40 with toothache/dental problems and about half said they had experienced some healing

There were others (about 200) who showed they had been healed of a whole range of sicknesses by the end of the evening. The usual pattern is for more to come each night so please pray that the numbers will grow.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday 6th May

The team of five are now safely settled in The Grand Regency Guest House in Lumley while the rest of the team continue on the project work for The City of Rest.

Last night the Lumley Team had supper with some leaders who are helping with the conference. We enjoyed barbecued snapper – a delicious local fish – with chips and salad. It was wonderful to meet up again with old friends. A young man – Andrew Sesay – who was saved and baptised as a result of our very first team visit in 1994, now leads the work of Iris Ministries (Heidi Baker) in Sierra Leone. After supper as our guests were about to leave the Holy Spirit came powerfully on a young American couple (Isaac & Brittany) so they could hardly stand up. Brittany had some amazing words for Mo about how she had rarely seen the love of Jesus so clearly present in someone. As we prayed together Mo was deeply affected by what was happening.

The conference starts today with Terry and Andrew taking the first two sessions and Terry will speak at the crusade tonight. The rest of the team will be joining us for the evening.


Monday 4th May

This past week has gone so quickly and apart from a few tummy upsets the whole team have done really well. We have made good progress at the Grafton site for new centre for The City of Rest Drug Rehab. The base for the generator house has been laid and the walls are nearly complete. Dave Seddon & Will McCanna have spent most of their time down a hole in the ground helping to dig a well – now 15ft deep!
We have visited 7 of the Mission Direct projects and taken over £2,000 of Aid Goods that some of you gave us before we left – they are so grateful.
On Sunday morning we went to one of the local churches where Terry preached and Joelle visited the youth and children’s work. There was a good response with about a dozen people with poor eyesight were prayed for and about half said they could see better. Three people responded to the Gospel at the end of the service.
After the service we spent the rest of the day on a beautiful tropical beach swimming, tanning and eating barracuda, rice, mango and pineapple – well someone has to do it!
Today (Monday) most of the team will work on the Grafton site while Terry, Mo and Joelle go into Freetown for meetings with the Fire Chief of Sierra Leone and the head of the Sierra Leone Army Chaplains. They both want to talk to Terry about ‘trauma support’.
Tomorrow five of the team including Terry, Mo and Joelle travel to Lumley for the Pastors Conference and Crusade Meetings. On Tuesday evening they will have supper with the Conference organisers and the Iris Ministries team – the amazing work started by Heidi Baker.

I hope to refresh this blog every day now – SO PLEASE KEEP PRAYING

Monday, April 27, 2009

WE ARE OFF!!!!!!!

Praying for the 'Healing Banners' at Jubilee Church

After all the waiting, the jabs and the fund-raising - the team fly out of Heathrow @ 13:15 today.
Yesterday at Jubilee the team were prayed for and we also laid hand on four 'Healing' banners that will be used on the streets of Freetown in a few day's time. Last Sunday the Maidenhead congregation at River Church prayed for us and our banners too - SO WE FEEL WELL AND TRULY SENT-OFF!

Please keep praying - I will do my best to get something posted every day - that depends on me finding a broadband link somewhere!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Only One Week to Go!

Only one week before Mo and I leave with the Mission Direct Team for Freetown - Sierra Leone
AND - as usual we are under some pretty oppressive attacks from the enemy in the areas of finance, health and general discouragement.
BUT - this morning I read Exodus 14:13 "Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today."
Maybe that word can speak to you today as well - please pray for us.

I have managed to arrange a visit with the Chief Fire Officer of Sierra Leone. I am Chaplain to the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service and our 'Chief' has given me a Brigade shield and some other gifts to take out with us

I will update this blog as often as I can so please keep visiting - and leave me some messages


Monday, April 13, 2009


YESTERDAY - was a very moving day for me - as well as being the day we celebrate the amazing resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ, it was the 49th anniversary of the day I gave my life to him. As a 14 year old I knelt at the front of Hornchurch Baptist Church with a group of my friends and asked Jesus to come into my life - I said "Lord, if you can use someone like me I am willing to follow you wherever you lead me". Since then life has been an amazing adventure. Take a look at our website -
God reminded me that 49 is 7x7 and in Israel, after the 49th year the people were supposed to celebrate a year of Jubilee. I sensed that God was telling me to prepare for my Jubilee Year in Christ and to expect 'many unexpected blessings' - WOW!

THEN - Last night Mo and I decided to go to the Easter Celebration at 'Hillsongs' in London. They meet at the Dominion Theatre. It was absolutely amazing!
The place was completely packed with people queuing on the pavement outside.
They presented the Easter Story so powerfully through music / video / dance / drama - you name it - and all done to a highly professional standard.
I have just read that in the past year around a thousand people have become Christians through this amazing church - most of us would call that 'REVIVAL'!

On a less serious note some of you might be interested that Mo and I are fanatical supporters of London Irish Rugby Club. We are still hurting from being only just knocked out of the EDF Cup last Thursday by Bourgoine. Here is our pic after a happier result against Northampton!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Introducing 'FUEGO'

I know it's ages since I blogged but Mo and I hav just launched a new website and we want you all to know about the exciting things that God is doing in our lives.

Yersterday was a great day!
In the morning we went to St Peter's Loudwater with a good friend from the Fire Brigade who has been attending their Alpha course (Terry is a Fire Brigade Chaplain).
We joined some friends from Jubilee Church - Maidenhead for lunch to celebrate Sarah Lawson's 40th - then we went on to Costa Coffee to meet up with a whole bunch of Sarah's friends - it was great fun!!!!!!!!

Today Mo will be going to one of her care groups in Ascot (she has Alzheimers0 and I will be learning a bit more about how to become an expert on web design - ANY TIPS?